Thursday, August 5, 2010

What's in a name

I chose the name Abbey because I am inspired by Abbeys of the middle ages. The original Abbeys were created by those seeking spiritual purity who felt the need to get away from the distractions of everyday life. They would wander out into the wilderness to focus on their spiritual connections. It was in these lonely places where they had no distractions and could focus on their spiritual journeys. They would take nothing with them other than what was absolutely essential to survival. Others would follow or naturally end up in the same place. They created communities of spiritually focused men or women. These communities were not about living together, rather accepting the presence of those around and realizing all were focused on the same goal of being free to pursue the purity of the spirit. Needs were few, and times not spent in study or religious services was spent in hard labor to provide for themselves, what was left was given to charity. Their work become another avenue of their spiritual journey. Their labors and endeavors were tedious, demanding, exhausting, and most importantly pure. It is this common goal of leaving distraction to attain the true spirit through hard work that benefits others as well as the self that has captured me.
The studio is a place where jewelry artists can get away from the distractions of the mainstream jewelry industry where sales, cutting corners, rushed work, and cheap production are the norm. It is a place for pure creations from the heart, not simply to make money, because it is the only thing in our hearts we are capable of. The quality of the created piece does not originate within itself, it originates within those whose hearts, minds and hands created it. It is their integrity that produces the quality. By creating an environment that fosters the spirit, we naturally foster integrity and can create the best of what is in our hearts. Every hand, every thought, and every feeling of those involved in creating a piece leave a print on it and it will carry that energy forever. I am creating the Abbey so the energy we pour into our craft will be true, free of distraction and carry the love of spirits who give nothing less than everything.

With Everything,


Photo by Love Jeji - Scotland 11/2010

1 comment:

  1. Such a philosopher with a true heart you are, 2 phrases stopped me, or to be more accurate touched me so deeply ,
    “These communities were not about living together, rather accepting the presence of those around “
    may be this is the first time that I tell you this, when I met you I was amazed how I felt that you have such ability to accept people for who they are, no matter how they were different, even if they were not some how accepted by others, and still you be able to see that differences as uniqueness, you know why? The answer is in the second phrase you wrote,
    “Place for pure creations from the heart, it is the only thing in our hearts we are capable of”
    That place is your heart Justin, you are that Abbey.
