Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Beginning

Here it is, the beginning. I feel such a rush of emotion, a tidal wave of what I want to share surging forth within me. This creation, this Abbey comes from the core of my being and my soul. It is the love-child of Love and Is merging creativity, feelings and thoughts. It has been swirling and bubbling within me; growing, forming, taking on new life until I can feel it racing through my veins. At times it turns me to lead, heavy with the burden of bringing the Abbey to the world, at times to the puff of a dandelion dancing upon a warm afternoon breeze, imagination wild, today it has turned me to water, that I must pour myself and what is within me out.

The Abbey is the goodness I want to give this industry and this world. A goodness that has been sorely lacking in an industry saturated with consumption, greed, theft, lies, corruption, selfishness, closed mindedness and apathy. I want us to be reminded of creation, beauty, purity, innocence, meaning, community, empathy, craft, integrity, passion and Love.

In the simplest of words I give you the Abbey, a community of environmentally conscious jewelry artists who design, create and restore through Love, Integrity and Passion.

With Everything,



  1. Beautiful!!! :) I'm happy for you!

    - Sara

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Justinder.
    Your voice is exactly what our industry needs to hear.
    I look forward to reading your blog!


  3. what a Beautiful words, I always know and felt that you have this gift of engraving what 's in you heart into a simple words that touch the heart in a deep way, as I always told you, guys like you make the world a place worth living
